December 4, 2023

Bring the Committee to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Role Call

Motion to open the Public Hearing

Presentation by Standard Power

Motion to close the Public Hearing

_Public CP Hearing Notice Litchfield December 4 2023.pdf
Energy Survey Results.pdf
Litchfield CP Hearing Nov 28 2023.pptx
Litchfield Draft CP Plan 20 Sept 2023 V3 (2).docx

Proposed timeline:  UPDATED

Community Survey approved by BoS - October 11th  - DONE

Community Survey Released - October 13th - November 16th - DONE

Survey closed and Tabulated DONE

Public Hearing #1 - Monday, November 28th, 7 pm Firestation  -

Public Hearing #2 - Tuesday, December 4th, 7 pm Firestation 

EC Approves Plan - Wednesday, December 13th  or 6:00 pm - Town Hall

Plan Approval - Board of Selectmen - December 21st 

Warrant Article - TBD 

WARRANT ARTCLE DRAFT - To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Litchfield Community Power Plan, which authorizes the Selectboard to develop and implement Litchfield Community Power as described therein (pursuant to RSA 53-E:7). The program would provide a new default electric supply and new renewable energy supply options for customers in Litchfield. There is no cost to the Town budget, and no obligation to participate. Customers can opt out at any time and return to utility default service. The Selectboard recommends this article. Majority vote required.

Optional description for web page, warrant article description and/or newsletter:

The Town of Litchfield is considering implementing a new Town program called Community

Power, or in other states, called Municipal Aggregation. If adopted by a majority of Town voters,

The Litchfield Community Power Plan would empower the Town to enter into Electric Services

Agreements with Competitive Electric Power Suppliers to serve the electric supply needs of

residents and small businesses in Litchfield. The intent is to pool our electricity demand and use

the power of the competitive market for cost savings and more local renewable energy supply

choices. The Town of Litchfield currently uses a similar contract for savings on municipal

power. Program savings over the contract period is the goal of the program along with more

renewable energy choices, but savings cannot be guaranteed.

This program would affect only the supply line on customer electric bills. Transmission and

distribution, emergency services, and billing all stay with the distribution utility. Eligible

customers are automatically enrolled in the new program default following notification of

program rates and an opt out period. They can also elect to choose an optional product. There are

no fees to opt out, join, or change options within the program. Customers that opt out and then

rejoin the program may be charged a market rate. Customers currently on competitive supply are

not automatically enrolled, but they can opt in. There is no cost to the Town Budget. The full text

of the draft Plan is available on the Town website.